Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Fabulous Award!!

So I receive this fabulous award and I am tardy in responding, and it's not that I dont appreciate it!

Boy do I love my Award, thanks tootsie!

But I have to confess that the links were diffucult to add to my post, especially after seeing how Justine and Tootsie are such pros!! Another reason for my tardy response is that I started reading blogs only as a result of RMS!! In fact was one of the first blogs I read!! Then I realised that Tootsie started a blog and I really enjoyed it, and well you know how one blog leads to another and now I am totally immersed in blogland! and boy is it big!

Anyway back to Award business:

Now there are some rules to accepting this award, and they are as follows:

1. I have to nominate 5 very special blogs to receive the award from me!

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his or her blog to be viewed by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and show a link to the person that presented it to them.

4. The award winner and the presenter must show a link to the Arte y pico blog so that everyone will see it

5. The winner of the award must show these rules.

And now to choose my five favorite blogs to bestow these prestigious awards:

(Envelope Please)

And the Awards go to:

1. Tootsie @ For her wonderful and giving personality, and for understanding that there are folks like me out there who love and appreciate a lovely garden, pot or hanging basket and would love to be able to have them ourselves but just dont know where to start, and is able to share her information so freely. That is not something I take for granted. Thanks toots for your generous spirit.

2. Roseanne@ - This is a sweet blogger that stumbled on to my blog and left a wonderful comment. I enjoy reading her blog a lot.

3. Buffie @ - For visiting my lonely blog and leaving your kind words of encouragement, also for the excellence of your blog, you are not afraid to show your quirky side and your wonderful sense of humor to the world!

4. Justwaaaa @ - Justwaaaa is a name I have seen at RMS for a long time, and I admire her because she can be tough as nails and yet have a soft caring side. I think her blogs are funny as hell!

5. Braincoral - This is my sister's blog, she is receiving this award because she is in Chicago studying medicine, she is currently on internship and I would like to encourage her to re-start her blog. I would love for her to share her trials and successes.


Justine said...

Oh Raxx (is that your real name?) Thank you sooooooo much for nominating me, but I'm not sure I should accept an award twice in one week! Can I suggest another good blogger that also deserves it? Bridget from RMS (blgeee) has a blog and it's pretty darn funny. She's

Justine :o )

Justine said...

Okay, I've thought it over, and I've decided I've got to accept the award, because it came from your heart. How could I turn that down? I don't think I have 5 people to nominate, but I'll try!

Justine :o )

Tootsie said...

I got your note...yes...find someone worth of the award. if you can't find anohter to replace me...let me know. I am honored to be thought of by you....but I am running out of blogs to nominate! lol

Rosanne said...

Finally I was able to make it to your blog again. Thanks so much for the award, you have a fun blog, I'll be back to visit again.