A blog about the joys (and challenges) of motherhood, wifehood and meeting and spending times with the most amazing people........in Blogland! My sister and me
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
AN Exiting Visit
Of course I miss blogging terribly! So much for working and blogging, my job is extremely hectic at this time, and time off is non-existent.
I just wanted to share some news of my tiny country, come Friday we are hosting the 5th Summit of the Americas and Barack Obama is coming to our shores!!
I'm very exited about this news and I wanted to share.
I promise to be a better blogger in the near future, I cant just stop blogging, it's part of me.
I miss you all!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Carnival is Here!!!
Sunday it is another big competition, the Calypso Competition and the King and Queen of Carnival Costume Competition, this is an individual competition and the costumes here are really big and elaborate.
This is a cruise ship that came in today, full of happy tourists, happy to be here for carnival!!
Hubby and I had Dinner at Ruby Tuesday tonight, he loooves their burgers, I was not very hungry I just had the Southern Rolls, they were delicious!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Views from my office window
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sorry I've been so busy

So after putting the kids to bed tonight I will be back to read up and catch up, I can do this! I can be a working blogger! Many of you ladies work and keep excellent blogs, I intend to do the same.
Friday, January 23, 2009
A blond went back to work after staying at home for 25 years, (although she really does not quite look her age) this is the outcome of her first day on the job.
All you blondes out there, Tootsie, Lisa/Frenchfry and others I mean no offense, but who does not love a blond joke!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Young love
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Photo Tag Game!

I've been tagged by first by Chris then by Donna to participate in the photo tag game that is sweeping Blogland! Well as you can see my fourth photo in my fourth file is of our loved Buffy, let me explain, a few months ago I was playing around with a website where you could upload a photo of a mummy and daddy and child and it would determine which parent the child resembled more, I did it with my family but................................. well I decided to take it a step further and use photos of Buffy, Schmecky and Shelia as the child, it was hilarious!!
You can click here to see how that turned out, because I did create a blog post of it. I know you are curious to know who Shelia resembled!
Since Buffy removed her blog I did not say anything of it, but I am using this forum just to say Buffie, I love you and miss you and hope that you return to blogging soon, because apart from Justine, Blogland is missing it's other resident nut. I also miss your videos! You know you are our resident vlogger!
Monday, January 12, 2009
I Need the Tootsie Touch
For the above space I basically want some green grass, lots and lots of flowers and a bench, there is a lot of shade here, this is where I had my vegetable garden last year, however hubby and I decided that we would do all gardening in the backyard this year and beautify the front yard spaces.
I want to use it for a recreation area for the kids, I would love to include a swing set and a splash pool at the far end.